A Christian education should begin in the home. The school is not to replace the Christian education in the home or church, but to supplement the teaching that the student receives from his/her parents and church. Our students receive a well-rounded education that includes God and character traits that are based on His Word. We seek to combine the opportunity of an academic education and values consistent with those taught in Christian homes in order to provide students a quality education and strong character traits.

  • Class sizes are small for all grade levels.
  • Biblical integration into all curriculum subjects.
  • School and honor roll field trips regularly taken.
  • Participates in Regional and International Student Conventions.
  • Currently funded solely from tuition & fundraisers.

At Calvary Chapel Christian School, we strive to partner with you in helping your child grow to reach his or her potential. Our goals are for them to understand the academics that will help them succeed, teach them from a Christian view, and prepare them to use their gifts to bring glory to God.

  • We conduct a diagnostic test to see what level the student is at.
  • Grades 1-3 we require a 90% passing rate for all tests.
  • Grades 4-12 we require a 80% passing rate for all tests.

Students must master the material before moving forward in the subject.



Calvary Chapel School Former Student

Our staff seeks to accomplish the school’s mission by “working with families in bringing their children to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, educating them from a Christian view, and preparing them for a life of service to Christ and their world.” With that mindset, we strive to educate students by looking at the world through the lens of scripture. The Bible must be the eternal truth that everyone depends on - because it never changes! By rooting our students deep in the Word, we help them begin to see how they can use their gifts to touch the world.

Luke 6:40b says, “...everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” The born-again, Christ-following teachers who are serving the students here are excellent role models for our students. We want their students to hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).

Students attend weekly chapels which include singing, guest speakers/presenters, and prayer.